Solidification and stabilization system
- Function: The concretization of wastes such as ash, slag, waste which are not disintegrated into incineration, is to minimize the possibility to disperse the pollutants into environment.
- Capacity: 1,500 kg/h
- Treatable wastes: Bottom ash, flying ash, waste dust, disposed materials.
- Treatment process:

The ash disposed from the incineration (bottom ash) and wastes collected from the release sources, such as waste dust, or insulating or heatproof materials, are gathered at the solidification site. The waste needing to be solidified will be poured into the assembly lines so that the magnetic separator can split the magnetic metals. After that, the wastes are ground and crushed thanks to the grinder or by grinding manually. After completing grinding, the wastes will be lead to the vibrating screen. On the sieve, the small-size parts are separated to be solidified. The bigger parts will be continuously ground or crushed. If necessary, the wastes may be filtered through the magnetic separator..
+ The solidified wastes after primarily processed at the above-said stage which have the smaller size will be mixed with the other solidified materials such as sand, stone, and cement. The level of mixture for solid stabilization must surely be more than 100. After mixed, the wastes will be molded and pressed at the force pressure of 150 – 200 kg/cm2 and the hazardous parts have to be surely stabilized in concreted block.
+ The solidified products are gathered for storage and periodically selected out occasionally for checking the quality. The stabled, solidified waste products after being checked will be used for the interior purposes.