Solvent treatment and recovery system
- Function: Treating the disposed solvents, recovering the clean solvents as a fuel for other manufacturing industries or for incineration
- Capacity: 500kg/h.
- Treatable wastes: :Disposed solvents and solvent-containing wastes.
- Treatment process:

+ The fluid solvents after collected into the tanks will be pumped up the distillation tower 1 and adjusted to the temperature of 200oC. The solvent vapor will fly and be recovered at the tower top
thanks to the condensable cooling tank 1. The solvent we get from the distillation tower 1 is the mixture of various solvents including some water after distillation put into the tank. From the mixture tank, solvents are continuously pumped up to the distillation tower 2 and heating again. Each of solvents will have the different evaporation temperature. The temperature will be adjusted correspondingly so that we can reap each category of solvents. The reaped solvent passes the tank of final products.
+ The sediments in input solvents (no vapor) generate at the distillation stage will be collected and burned in the incineration for hazardous wastes.
+ The solvent of final products is continuously sold for the painting-making facility with the function of a detergent.