Disposed oil and oil-stained waste treatment system
- Function : Treating all sorts of disposed oil and lubricants, products stemming from oil or lubricants are provided for the units specializing in recycling or using as a fuel for incineration.
- Capacity : 500kg/h.
- Treatable wastes : Released oil ,Oil-stained dirty water
- Treatment process :

The disposed oil and oil - stained oil unused and collected from the release sources will be classified and then pumped up to the distillation tower.
+ At the distillation tower, the disposed oil is stirred with the additives and has the temperature adjusted equal to the suitable temperature for water removal. After that, the mixture is pumped to the settling drum and we must wait for the deposition. The overlying oil layer is filtered and the sediments at the bottom are sucked out through the bottom water outlet. Dependent on the level of the dirt of disposed oil, the muddy sediments can be kept in place at the bottom of the tank after some times of deposition and filtering and distillation in the hazardous waste incineration.
+ The clean oil is lead to the reserve tank pending the use for the necessary purposes: utilized as fuel for the furnace or provided to the unit having the manufacturing function.